Call for Board Members

The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) is seeking enthusiastic and committed individuals with a variety of skill sets to join MCCLA as members of its board.

MCCLA has devoted over 46 years to community service by making the arts available and vital to our San Francisco community. Throughout the years, MCCLA has offered dance and art classes, youth programs, gallery exhibits, cultural celebrations, and artistic performances.`

As part of our continual effort to revitalize MCCLA, the Board of Directors is looking to recruit a considerable number of new board members for the coming board year. MCCLA is looking for bilingual (Spanish/English) board nominees who are knowledgeable in one or several of the following areas:

  • Finance; Marketing and Fundraising (network of donor prospects);

  • Law (employment law, nonprofit law, copyright, and/or contract law);

  • Mediation or Arbitration;

  • Land use and/or facilities management; and

  • Leadership in other organizations is important to MCCLA.

MCCLA would like you to lend your talents and experience and to be actively engaged and involved with MCCLA. Our Board is responsible for setting the vision, ensuring that MCCLA is effectively managed, and financially solvent, and that staff meets all of the San Francisco Art Commission funding requirements.

What do we expect from individual board directors? –Passion for our Mission! A shared belief in our values and an investment in our vision.

Board Member Skills and Responsibilities

  • Be familiar with the mission and purpose of the MCCLA. Be a frequent visitor at MCCLA events and programs, or just drop in to visit the studios and bring other friends, family, contacts, and colleagues to MCCLA events.

  • Directors should attend and participate in all Board meetings, committee meetings, and other special events such as the annual staff/board planning meeting and retreat. Please note that since this is a “working” Board, the expectation is that board members should understand that the time commitment necessary to fulfill these obligations goes beyond just attending meetings.

  • In order to fulfill each director’s fiduciary duty, directors will participate fully in the annual budgeting process and attend all budget meetings as scheduled. MCCLA finances require the diligence of the directors.

  • Directors should allocate adequate time to prepare for meetings in advance in order to make sound decisions on behalf of the MCCLA and its community stakeholders.

  • The board has the primary responsibility of leading the organization through governance, with the staff delegated the authority and responsibility of management. Directors have the responsibility of understanding the distinctions between these two functions, and how they can as Directors work most effectively in partnership with the staff.

  • The Board’s primary relationship with staff is through the Executive Director

  • Members should be knowledgeable about conflicts of interest and ensure that such conflicts are noted when appropriate at board meetings. It is important for directors to place the interests of the organization as a whole before personal, or special interest group concerns.

  • As members of the Board, we are the primary ambassadors for MCCLA. Each director should be prepared to represent the organization to its constituents.

Minimum Standards of Commitment and Conduct

  • Meeting Attendance: Absent emergency circumstances, members will attend all Board and committee meetings on time.

  • Meeting Protocol: Members will be courteous to one another, guests, and staff, avoiding personally directed comments. Board members will avoid interrupting other speakers and yield to the chair or President regarding the order to comment.

  • Meeting Procedures: Members recognize meetings are conducted according to Board rules, supplemented by Roberts Rules of Order and relevant open/closed meeting rules and regulations.

  • Confidentiality: Members recognize that matters discussed in closed sessions are to be kept confidential subject only to open meeting reporting requirements.

  • Member Education: Members will be expected to learn about the MCCLA and its operations and functions. This can be accomplished by scheduling orientations or by contacting the President or Executive Director.

  • Staff Relations: Directors recognize staff are a resource and agree to treat staff with courtesy, recognizing the many demands of staff time. Directors will endeavor to work with staff through the Executive Director.

MCCLA is embarking on an exciting period of reinvention and renewal. If being a part of the Latino arts community sounds exciting, and if you are willing to volunteer your time and skills, we highly encourage sending your resume and enclosed application documents to the board of directors. You will find that being on our board will be a rewarding and invaluable leadership opportunity.

Applications are being accepted on an ongoing basis. For more information please contact:
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94110 Attn: Francisco Gomez, Chair
Email us:

Board Member Nomination Form

  • Date:

  • Candidate:

    • First Name:

    • Last Name:

    • Email Address:

    • Phone Number:

  • Nominated by:

    • First Name:

    • Last Name:

    • Email Address:

    • Phone Number:

  • Has your candidate agreed to be considered?

  • Reason for nomination: Please attach a statement that is no longer than 500 words.

  • Please attach the bio or CV of the nominee (no more than 2 pages).