Pablo Daniel Jimenez García

Pablo Daniel Jiménez García was born in Mexicali, Baja California Norte in 1997. Pablo is a dancer, teacher, and creative director of El Espiritu Bailarin. Pablo‘s dance career began performing as a chambelan de honor for friends and family in his hometown of Santa Ana, California. There he joined Raíces de México OC, under the direction of Francisco Salinas, and continued to fall in love with Folklorico.

Pablo is a graduate of Santa Ana College, UC Berkeley, and the SFUSD Pathway to Teaching program. Pablo is a first-grade dual immersion teacher in San Francisco and dances professionally with Ensembles Ballet Folklorico de San Francisco, under the direction of Zenon Barron.

In 2019, Pablo, along with Vanessa Sánchez, co-founded El Espíritu Bailarín, their own intergenerational dance troupe. That same year, Pablo began choreographing quinceañeras in the Bay Area. Pablo‘s intention is to create community and increase confidence and trust among dancers.
